Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sophia is 3!!

I have always  heard that time seems to go by faster as we age.  It was hard for me to imagine that with my 12 and 15 year old mind.  Now that I starting my 30's and about to celebrate my baby's 3rd birthday, I am beginning to grasp what exactly they meant by that phrase.

I still remember the morning Sophia was born.  I had to wash with a special, anti-bacterial soap the morning of our scheduled c-section, which was different than with Samuel and Emma.  I was more nervous and scared this time around (I had a horrible experience getting my epidural with Emma, and after an hour of poking my back and many failed attempts to insert the needle properly, I received a spinal block).  David and I gathered our things, prayed with my parents, and then left for the hospital.

I do not remember much about the car ride, other than it was quiet.  We checked into the hospital, got situated and waited.  After speaking with the anesthesiologist, we decided to do another spinal block due to my previous experience.  It was not long before Dr. Barnes, my doctor, arrived and we were ready for the c-section.  Those few minutes that I was away from David to be prepped seemed to last forever.  I did not want to be alone.  In those few moments before Sophia was born, I was choking down a multitude of emotions and fears.  Would she be healthy?  Would the c-section go well?  I felt gratitude for the spinal block and my loving doctor.  I could have cried and laughed at the same time.  I watched David's face anxiously, waiting to see that everything was going to be okay.  I was shocked when the moment of her arrival came...a very big 9lb 2.5oz, dark haired, 21in baby girl.  She looked huge, especially compared to the other babies in the nursery!

The next couple of days were extremely rough.  I had problems with the pain medications, and was at one point on medicine just stronger than tylenol.  Needless to say, it was an experience.  Also, my "helper" liked to snore at night, which kept me up and left me helpless during his two hour naps because I could not yell loud enough to wake him!  All joking aside, I would not want to raise our three children with anyone else.  David is an amazing father!

With our three hour trip home, we made it safely.  Samuel and Emma fell in love immediately, and no one can picture our family without her.  I tried breastfeeding for a couple of months, but needed to change to formula feedings.  There is something different knowing that she is the baby, the last to come from my womb.  God allows us to create such unique bonds with one another, and it is different with every person.  I am not a perfect mother, but love her to the best of my abilities.  My life is enriched by her just in the few years that she has been a part of our family.

Sophia is full of joy, life, and love.  She is tender hearted, and takes what we say to heart.  She is one of the silliest three year olds that I know.  She loves to sing, dance, and tell stories.  She enjoys sneaking into the kitchen to get a treat and leaves a trail of crumbs behind her.  There are not enough baby dolls in this world and everything should be pink if you ask her.  If it does not glitter, glow, or sparkle, she does not want it.  Sophia is smart, funny, and sassy.  She brings so many things to the family, and we are all grateful for her.

Happy birthday princess!!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

This is a test

I always hate the start up of a new blog, web page, social media account, etc.  It seems that just when I finally get the settings just the way that I like them, a change is needed.  So here I am, with a needed change.  My previous blog djsblackwood.blogspot.com was a great beginner place to write ideas and thoughts.  It was also a place to keep a somewhat, public, diary of the children and their milestones.  While this was not a bad thing, I would like to start a blog that has a little more "me".  I love my children and will often share lessons learned from them as well.  So, here it is.  The first post to a new blog.  A test to see what exactly the page layout is and what needs to be changed.  Much more depth, prayerfully, to come.